

粵語初小獨誦  P3C 黃承澤  二等獎
普通話高小獨誦 P4B 孫灝冬  二等獎
        P4B 鄭鴻軒  二等獎
粵語高小獨誦  P6C 陳浩然  二等獎
        P5D 鄭皓天  二等獎
粵語高小集誦  二等奬

Macau’s Students Recitation Contest was organized by the Chinese Educators Association of Macau on 13th April, 2024. The contest was a remarkable experience that showcased the incredible talent of our students. Congratulations to the prize winners of the English solo recitation.

Prize winners:

Junior PrimaryP2B  Theo Tai 戴雋宇
P3A  Brandon Lien 練澤謙
Second Prize
Second Prize
Senior PrimaryP6B  Matthew Liu劉昱孝Second Prize